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On the Road


Illegal U-Turn

On January 2023, a 20-year-old young man, Rene Gonzalez, was leaving work on his motorcycle.  An SUV did not see him, or thought he had plenty of time, turned left in front of him.  Rene was unable to stop in time and t-boned the vehicle.  He went airborne over the vehicle and landed on his face.  Due to the full-face helmet Rene wears, he is alive.  A mother and her daughter were in the second vehicle behind Rene and witnessed the accident.  They stopped traffic and called the police. As a result of a careless driver, Rene spent his 21st birthday in the hospital and is now a T3 paraplegic.  I am a close family friend of Rene and his parents.  Rene is looking forward to riding again one day.  His injuries are extensive, and he almost did not make […]


Saccadic masking

Saccadic masking Why you need to look again to see motorcyclists Thank you to acc.co.nz Why you need to look again to see motorcyclists (acc.co.nz) 12 January 2022 https://youtu.be/F75p9i7o0dM As longer days and warmer weather descends upon us, you’ll see more and more motorcycles on the road. Still can’t see them? Look again. All motorcycle riders understand and accept the risk of getting on their bike. To better equip themselves for any situation on the road, they can complete Ride Forever courses. Ride Forever courses However, drivers also have a role to play in keeping motorcyclists safe. Between 2015-2019, 76 people died in motorcycle crashes in urban areas and 4,255 more were injured. 64% of these crashes happened at intersections, and of that 64%, other vehicle drivers were at fault 82% of the time. Why are these crashes happening? “Sorry […]


Motorcycle Windshields

Motorcycle Windshields By Dellann “Fire Dog” Stutsman Leather & Lace MC National Road Captain I know there are many of you who do not like to ride with a windshield for a variety of reasons, like looks, Heat, and Wind in your hair.  There are also a lot of us that once we tried riding with a windshield will not ride without one again.   The thing is there are things you should know to help you pick the right windshield for your bike. Some windshields are permeant mounted, but there also Quick release and Snap on Windshields you can get.   The quick release and snap on ones are nice because you can take them off if you don’t want to use them for short ride and it also makes it easier to clean them. Windshields come in different sizes both […]


15 Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

15 Causes of Motorcycle Accidents | Motorcycle Accident Lawyers (arnolditkin.com) Although motorcycles make up a mere 3% of the 9 million registered vehicles on the road in the United States, they account for a disproportionate number of accidents at 14%. As one of the smallest vehicles, they can be the most difficult to see, especially in traffic, at night, or in inclement weather. According to statistics gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists were nearly 29 times more likely than occupants of passenger vehicles to die in a crash per vehicle miles traveled in 2019. In 2020, 5,579 motorcyclists were killed in traffic accidents. In this blog, our motorcycle accident attorneys will investigate the most common causes of accidents and how riders—and those who share the road with them—can make sure everyone gets to their destination safely. […]


“It’s very dangerous for motorcycles to be around Teslas”

17 fatalities, 736 crashes: The shocking toll of Tesla’s Autopilot Tesla’s driver-assistance system, known as Autopilot, has been involved in far more crashes than previously reported By Faiz Siddiqui  and  Jeremy B. Merrill June 10, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EDT Washington Post Article (Illustration by Emily Sabens/The Washington Post; KTVU-TV/AP; iStock) SAN FRANCISCO — The school bus was displaying its stop sign and flashing red warning lights, a police report said, when Tillman Mitchell, 17, stepped off one afternoon in March. Then a Tesla Model Y approached on North Carolina Highway 561. The car — allegedly in Autopilot mode — never slowed down. It struck Mitchell at 45 mph. The teenager was thrown into the windshield, flew into the air and landed facedown in the road, according to his great-aunt, Dorothy Lynch. Mitchell’s father heard the crash and rushed from his […]


Motorcycle History Timeline

Motorcycle History Timeline The Timeline and History of Motorcycles (rumbleon.com) You love to ride. Correction: you practically live to ride. But despite your love and passion for everything that is riding, just how familiar are you with its origins? In fact, I'll bet you'd be surprised to learn how the motorcycle originated and the changes it’s undergone throughout the years. When the motorcycle was first introduced, its creators couldn’t have possibly predicted its future popularity or the culture it would create. They couldn't know their invention would cultivate a brotherhood, sisterhood, or a family that other social groups wouldn't be able to emulate. It's been just over 150 years, and the motorcycle has made a lasting impression. Let's take a look into how it all came to be. You might be surprised! 1867: Sylvester Howard Roper (American) was the creator and inventor of the steam-powered, […]


Motorcycle Tips: Back Brake Benefits

Motorcycle Tips: Back Brake Benefits Motorcycle Tips: Back Brake Benefits By Arden Kysely December 2, 2022 Motor officer Quinn Redeker is a master of rear brake control. Photo by Greg Drevenstedt. Rear brakes aren’t a hot topic in today’s motoverse, nor are they necessarily among the most sought-after motorcycle tips. In fact, they’re kind of boring when the front binders on modern bikes provide so much stopping power, often with a single finger on the lever, but they’re still important. According to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, front brakes provide approximately 70% of a motorcycle’s maximal stopping power, leaving around 30% to the single rear brake. But many factors affect this ratio, such as speed, tire grip, road surface, road gradient, and type of motorcycle. Cruisers and touring bikes with long wheelbases benefit from rear braking to a greater degree than short-wheelbase […]


Harley Davidson Maintenance: Tips, Schedule, Plan & Costs

Harley Davidson Maintenance: Tips, Schedule, Plan & Costs By Mike's 71 Cycle 03 Dec, 2018 Harley Davidson Maintenance: Tips, Schedule, Plan & Costs (mikes71cycle.com) You’ve got a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Now what? You love riding in the open air with high performance acceleration, power and the sound of the engine. That sound. The sound only a Harley makes. A little wind therapy goes a long way. So does following a Harley Davidson maintenance schedule. From engine oil to brake fluid, adhering to regular maintenance intervals will keep your bike in top condition. Of course, a little love here and there never hurt. You’ve probably read Harley Davidson maintenance tips, gotten advice from your buddies and checked out commentary from online groups. Most bikers, greenies, wannabes and sometimes even our parents want to give their advice about what to do with the […]

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