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T-Clocs Breakdown Part 1 – Focus on Tires

T-Clocs Breakdown Part 1 - Tires Breakdown of the T-Clocs pre-ride check - Focus on Tires In today’s world, some people are not allowed to be out riding. Or in some places, the weather is not yet riding conducive. Today, I will go over things we can do for Motorcycle Safety while at home. Every year we cover T-CLOCS. This is used as a check that should be completed before going for a ride. You can use it now, at the start of your riding season, to make sure everything is ready to go. Now is a good time do it because if you can’t ride right now, you have time to get parts shipped or appointments made at your motorcycle repair shop. Today we will cover the T in T-CLOCS and that is for Tires.  Checking Tires is […]


Motorcycle Tire Guide 101 and FAQ

Motorcycle Tire Guide 101 and FAQ By:  Lemmy July 20, 2014 Motorcycle Tire Guide 101 and FAQ - RevZilla Welcome to Tire School! We're going to have a crash course (figuratively speaking!) on motorcycle tires. This is literally where the rubber meets the road.     At RevZilla, we deal with a vast spectrum of customers, from sponsored racers on rockets to green rookies on Ninja 250s, to someone pushing hundreds of miles daily on a Harley bagger — and that’s just the street riders! One thing they all have in common is that tires are critical components. Like with most of the products we sell, making a good decision when choosing tires is a matter of understanding how you ride, being honest about your intents and abilities, and most importantly, being safe. Let’s start with a quick run-down of tire […]

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