Don’t Be That Rider

Don’t Be That Rider

Be a responsible Rider and good ambassador for the Motorcycle Community as a whole.

So much of what we put out there is to “See Motorcycles” and “Look Twice Save a Live”, and other things to make the average non-motorcycle driving person to be on the “look out” for us, but we also have a responsibly to ride safely and not be the biker who gives all bikers a bad name.

To the non-motorcyclist public most bikers are lumped together and what they see one do they believe we all do.  They are less likely to care about us and care about looking for us if they think we are all stupid idiots with a death wish.   Most drivers share the road with motorcycles too many times to count but the times they will remember is when the motorcycle is cutting off cars, popping wheelies on the interstate, yelling at other drivers, or doing burnouts.   There are times and places for showing off and in the middle of traffic is not it. It just pisses off people.

We as riders need to make an effort to be a good example of a motorcyclist. Every time you through a leg over your bike you became an ambassador for the whole motorcycle community.  We should ride safely and not act stupid.   We should be the person the driving public wants to look for and care for.  They don’t understand us or they would be one of us.  They believe it is a hobby and that our bikes are “Recreational Vehicles”.   They don’t understand that for some of us it is our only vehicle or that it is a way of life.

Please don’t be the one that gives us all the bad name.

Be Safe
Fire Dog
Leather & Lace MC

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