Just Because May is Over does not mean Motorcycle Safety and Awareness is done with for the year

Just Because May is Over does not mean Motorcycle Safety and Awareness is done with for the year

Well, it is the last day of May and the last day of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month, but that does not mean that your responsibility to be safe and aware is over for the year.  We must continue to be on our guard and to also help the rest of the motoring public to be aware that motorcycles are out on the roads.  This should be an everyday thing all year round.    I hope you learned from the things I have been sending and they were enjoyable as well.  I also ask that you be considerate when out on the roads and don’t be that “Biker” who makes other drivers hate bikers.

Now on with the safety Tip: Actually, I am going to put a couple of links to some good articles today since it is the end of the month: