Motorcycle Rights

The first Sunday in May, in my State is the “Freedom Ride” a ride to the State Capital to show the law makers that Motorcyclist are watching and we have a voice in Government.   You may or may not know that there are organizations that are watching what happens at the Local, State, and Federal level that does or could affect you as a motorcyclist.   If you want have a voice in that you are welcome to join those organizations.

Today I will give you a quick overview of those organizations so you know who is working for you.

At the local and state level there are usually:

  • The COC (Coalition of Clubs or Confederation of Clubs or Council of Clubs). As the name says that organization is made up mostly of the Motorcycle clubs in the state or area.  Some of these do allow independent riders but some don’t.
  • State Motorcycle Rights Organizations (SMROs) are also in most states. Most states have an ABATE (A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education) or other organization like that.  This is open to all riders, club members and independents alike. The Motorcycle Rights Foundation has several of them listed on their site here:

At the Federal Level there are a few more organizations:

  • The NCOC (National Council of Clubs) is an organization of Motorcycle Clubs from across the country.
  • The NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) is an organization of both Motorcycle Clubs and Independent riders – This usually is the SMROs and COCs and a few independents.
  • MRF (Motorcycle Rights Foundation) is an organization that is also made up of independents, SMRO’s and Motorcycle Clubs. This organization has a paid lobbyist that is in DC to watch for anything that may affect Motorcyclist. Check them out here:
  • AMA(American Motorcyclist Association) is the oldest Motorcycle rights organization. They started with the first Motorcycle racing clubs and are still fighting for Motorcyclist.  They also have people in DC working for your rights. Check them out here:

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