Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

The History of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

Today is May 1 st and that is the first day of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. So, I thought I’d
give a little history on May Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.
Motorcycle Awareness Month was started in the early 1980s by AMA (American Motorcycle Association)
and it was quickly adopted by many State Motorcycle-Rights organizations, government entities, and
Clubs. The focus of it was to educate Non riders about Motorcycles in the hopes that they come more
aware of riders and there will be less “I Didn’t See Him/Her” accidents. The Safety part was added
because we also need to educate Riders on safe riding practices. Unsafe riders can be a danger to no
only themselves but other road users.
The reason May was selected is that is it is usually the first month most of the Northern states are warm
enough that Motorcycles are out in larger numbers and the Southern states have not gotten so hot it is
uncomfortable to ride yet. So, it really is the “Start” of the Riding Season for most all of the US.
Even though we pick May to be Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month every year we strive to spread
Idea of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness all year round. So For Non-riders please “Look for
Motorcycles” and of Riders please “Be Safe and not Stupid”.

Fire Dog
Leather & Lace MC

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