Motorcycle Safety Classes

Motorcycle Safety Classes

Why taking a Safety Class is a good idea

We have all had someone (friend or stranger) come up to us and tell us they wish they could ride or that they want to learn to ride or that they are going to buy a bike one day. Most of us say that is nice and go on our own way.

Most of us have also had a friend or relative that has come and asked us to teach them to ride. Depending on who is asking, sometimes we do take the time to help and sometimes we refer them to someone else.

In my opinion, the correct answer to both these situations would be to suggest that the person take the local Rider Safety Class. Now, not all of these fine folks will, but if you know a little about the class and can give them the reasons it would be good to take it, you may have helped
the world get a safer rider instead of the jerk that gives the whole riding community a bad name.

A lot of the riders out there that you see cutting off cars, weaving in and out of traffic, and riding wheelies down the interstate, did not take the safety class. Some don’t even have a license to legally ride a motorcycle.

We all have bad riding habits that we have picked up over the years and if we try to teach someone else to ride, we end up passing those bad habits on to the new rider. That is another good reason to send them to the safety class.

Here are some good points in favor of taking the class:

1. Most classes provide the bike so no dents or scratches will occur on your ride.
2. Classes will provide the most current local laws pertaining to motorcycles.
3. Most classes, if you pass, provide you the opportunity to apply for your motorcycle endorsement.
4. Some insurance companies will give you a lower rate if you take the class.
5. The class teaches the basics and some things we forget to teach because it is second nature to us.

Now here is the leg work you will need to do to help that person asking you about learning to ride a motorcycle: Who teaches the classes in your area and how do you sign up?  Unless you can provide this information, most people will not do the leg work themselves and will just forget you suggested it.

In Illinois and some other states, the classes are free. You have to put $20 down to save your spot but after the class, you can get that back or donate it to the class and get a t-shirt. The classes are run through our Department of Transportation and funded through a fee on motorcycle license plate renewals. In other words, every motorcycle owner in Illinois is paying for the classes! So we should be pushing people to take them!!!

Classes are also taught by MRF, Harley Davidson, and some community colleges, and those can be expensive to take.  But they are still worth it.
And it is not a bad idea that if you moved to a new state or you want to sharpen your skills, to take the class again. We can always learn something.

Here are some articles and videos for information on the Classes.

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