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Karla Weinbrenner


Riding Sick

Riding Sick Riding when you are under the weather is not a great idea. If you are not feeling well, you shouldn't ride unless you have to. When you feel sick, you are not at the top of your game and you will not be as alert as you should be; you tend to focus on how bad you feel. Your reflexes will be slower and your judgement may not be the clearest. It really would be better off with you not trying to ride. If you are sick, it can be like you are drunk and that is not a good way to ride.  Also, many over the counter cold medicines contain alcohol in them and most make you sleepy. Keep in mind… for those that wear a full-face helmet, coughing or sneezing in a helmet is not any […]


Just Because May is Over does not mean Motorcycle Safety and Awareness is done with for the year

Just Because May is Over does not mean Motorcycle Safety and Awareness is done with for the year Well, it is the last day of May and the last day of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month, but that does not mean that your responsibility to be safe and aware is over for the year.  We must continue to be on our guard and to also help the rest of the motoring public to be aware that motorcycles are out on the roads.  This should be an everyday thing all year round.    I hope you learned from the things I have been sending and they were enjoyable as well.  I also ask that you be considerate when out on the roads and don't be that "Biker" who makes other drivers hate bikers. Now on with the safety Tip: Actually, I […]


Motorcycle Safety Foundation Calls on Motorists to #SeeMotorcycles as More Riders Get on the Road

Motorcycle Safety Foundation Calls on Motorists to #SeeMotorcycles as More Riders Get on the Road NEWS PROVIDED BY Motorcycle Safety Foundation  Apr 27, 2022, 07:38 ET   Busy Riding Season Anticipated After Strong Sales, Higher Gas Prices IRVINE, Calif., April 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Two years of strong motorcycle and scooter sales, continued demand for rider training, and higher gas prices mean more riders are likely to be on the roads this spring and summer, so the Motorcycle Safety Foundation is doubling down on getting the word out to #SeeMotorcycles. "Please remember to #SeeMotorcycles." Tweet this May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. #SeeMotorcycles "May has been the traditional start of the riding season for many across the country because the weather is getting warmer and the days longer," said Erik Pritchard, president and CEO of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. "That's why it's a […]


Motorcycle Safety Classes

Motorcycle Safety Classes Why taking a Safety Class is a good idea We have all had someone (friend or stranger) come up to us and tell us they wish they could ride or that they want to learn to ride or that they are going to buy a bike one day. Most of us say that is nice and go on our own way. Most of us have also had a friend or relative that has come and asked us to teach them to ride. Depending on who is asking, sometimes we do take the time to help and sometimes we refer them to someone else. In my opinion, the correct answer to both these situations would be to suggest that the person take the local Rider Safety Class. Now, not all of these fine folks will, but if you […]


Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month The History of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month Today is May 1 st and that is the first day of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. So, I thought I’d give a little history on May Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. Motorcycle Awareness Month was started in the early 1980s by AMA (American Motorcycle Association) and it was quickly adopted by many State Motorcycle-Rights organizations, government entities, and Clubs. The focus of it was to educate Non riders about Motorcycles in the hopes that they come more aware of riders and there will be less “I Didn’t See Him/Her” accidents. The Safety part was added because we also need to educate Riders on safe riding practices. Unsafe riders can be a danger to no only themselves but other road users. The reason May was selected is […]


Motorcycle Tire Guide 101 and FAQ

Motorcycle Tire Guide 101 and FAQ By:  Lemmy July 20, 2014 Motorcycle Tire Guide 101 and FAQ - RevZilla Welcome to Tire School! We're going to have a crash course (figuratively speaking!) on motorcycle tires. This is literally where the rubber meets the road.     At RevZilla, we deal with a vast spectrum of customers, from sponsored racers on rockets to green rookies on Ninja 250s, to someone pushing hundreds of miles daily on a Harley bagger — and that’s just the street riders! One thing they all have in common is that tires are critical components. Like with most of the products we sell, making a good decision when choosing tires is a matter of understanding how you ride, being honest about your intents and abilities, and most importantly, being safe. Let’s start with a quick run-down of tire […]


25 Motorcycle Safety Tips

Thank you to Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP for providing the below information. 25 Motorcycle Safety Tips | Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP (samndan.com) 25 Motorcycle Safety Tips Riding a motorcycle down the open highway is a unique pleasure until a distracted driver makes a reckless mistake. At high speeds, a situation can quickly turn perilous for motorcyclists. However, taking a few precautions can help protect motorcyclists and their bikes. Motorcycle riders can follow these 25 motorcycle safety tips created by the legal team at Sam N’ Dan to ensure their joy ride remains uneventful, safe, and pleasant. Riding a motorcycle comes with inherent risk. Unlike other vehicles, a motorcycle leaves your body mostly unprotected and exposed to the elements. You lack the luxury of having your body encased in a steel vehicle with safety restraints and airbags. Every motorcycle rider accepts […]


Motorcycle Safety Tips During Road Construction Season

Motorcycle Safety Tips During Road Construction Season Motorcycle Safety Tips During Road Construction Season | National General Insurance Motorcycle Safety Tips During Road Construction Season Watch for uneven pavement, as well as rough or grooved surfaces. Before repaving begins, surfaces need to be prepped properly, and this can create dangerous riding conditions. Be careful and reduce your speed if you encounter these pavement conditions, as they can cause your bike to tilt your bike unexpectedly or pull to one side suddenly. Pay attention to cones and barrels. Although they are commonly used to route traffic in construction zones, cones and barrels are often hit by cars or trucks accidentally, causing them to tip over or be pushed into your lane. Watch carefully for these hazards, which can be dangerous if you accidently hit them. Be aware of sudden traffic stops. When traffic congestion […]

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