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The Blue Ridge Parkway

The Blue Ridge Parkway The following information is gathered from www.virtualblueridge.com www.nps.gov/Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina/Virginia www.smokymountainrider.com www.BlueRidgemotorcycling.com The Blue Ridge Parkway runs from Virginia all the way down to Tennessee. It is 469 miles of beautiful overlooks, waterfalls, and educational events, such as the local animals and their habitat, mountain music and demonstrations of mountain art. There are picnic areas and seasonal camping. During the Spring months, visitors come to see the changing colors and the blooming flowers and renewal of the gorgeous mountains.  In the Fall, they come to see the changing colors. Not only do visitors come to enjoy the beauty, but motorcyclists also love to come and ride the curves, sharp turns and windy roads.  The Parkway is a two-lane highway with an average speed of 45 mph or slower in some areas. With that said there […]


13 Great Tips for Fall Motorcycle Rides

13 Great Tips for Fall Motorcycle Rides According to Motoress and found here:  13 Tips For Great Fall Motorcycle Rides (motoress.com) 13 Tips For Great Motorcycle Ides gear up for an unforgettable autumn adventure on your motorcycle!  The roads are accented with breath-taking colors as the leaves turn from green to blazing oranges and reds.  Some of the best roads to ride are enjoyed in autumn, creating a truly satisfying experience.  The incredible canvases of color and those fall scents, make for an fulfilling ride experience to your fall motorcycle rides.  Yet, amidst this captivating backdrop., it's crucial to be aware of the unique challenges that autumn brings to the road.  With preparation and planning your autumn motorcycle rides will be enjoyable and safe! 13 Tips for Great Fall Motorcycle Rides PLAN YOUR JOURNEY.  Plan your route to make the most […]


Drinking and Riding

Drinking and Riding Drinking and Riding don't mix. Today is Cinco de Mayo! So, in honor of that, I will take a break from the in-depth explanation of T- CLOCS and talk a bit about drinking and riding. I want to give you this information so when that time comes for you to enjoy some fun and festivities, you make good choices. Let’s start with a scary statistic I found NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Association) that says: With 47% of all fatal motorcycle crashes, the motorcyclist had a Blood Alcohol level above .08. We are all adults. And as such, we are in charge of our own decisions on drinking. But remember: alcohol effects our decision-making ability.  I choose to not drink when I am on my bike.  Some of you can and do have a few drinks. There […]


Riding Pants

Riding Pants Importance and information on Riding Pants Well, it seems like every year I see someone who does not care about the skin on their legs while riding. I have seen shorts, capris, and even swim trunks. Why does this bother me? As an EMT I have seen the damage that even a minor accident will cause to your skin. Do you know that when you get gravel, dirt, and asphalt in your skin the only way to remove it at the hospital is to scrub it out with something like a Brillo pad?  I don’t want you to have this happen to you. So, I am writing this to educate you on your options. Shorts or swim trunks: First off, with my bikes and my body build, I cannot even think of riding in shorts.  I would burn […]


Emergency Vehicles

Emergency Vehicles How to deal with Emergency Vehicles on the road when traveling. Today, let’s discuss Emergency Vehicles on the side of the roadway. In many states, it is the law that you must move over and/or slow down when going past an emergency or construction vehicle on the side of the road. You can receive a ticket if you do not. I know in Illinois last summer; police officers were doing “Scott’s Law” enforcement. If a car did not pass/move over correctly, those officers radioed to another unit, giving them the information on the vehicle that didn’t pass correctly. That driver would receive a ticket. As a first responder who works accidents along the roadways, I have first-hand knowledge as to how dangerous it is. Just think about standing on the edge of the highway with traffic going 80 […]


Rain Riding

Rain Riding Information on riding in the rain. Since it is supposed to rain where I am today; I decided to discuss riding in the rain. In many places, in order to ride your motorcycle, you need to embrace riding in the rain as a normal thing. I don’t know many who love to ride in down pours but a nice genital rain on a hot day can be nice. Here in the Midwest, we get pop-up thunderstorms that can hit without warning. So even if you don’t want to ride in the rain, you may end up having to do so. Most of the time if you have warning and you have time to put on rain gear, riding in the rain is not too bad. It is not fun to have to pull off on the side of […]


Don’t Be That Rider

Don't Be That Rider Be a responsible Rider and good ambassador for the Motorcycle Community as a whole. As we know the Month of May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month and a time when we ramp up getting the message out to the masses that Motorcycles are on the roads. We do this all the time, but we really push hard in May. So much of what we put out there is to "See Motorcycles" and "Look Twice Save a Live", and other things to make the average non-motorcycle driving person to be on the “look out” for us, but we also have a responsibly to ride safely and not be the biker who gives all bikers a bad name. To the non-motorcyclist public most bikers are lumped together and what they see one do they believe we all […]


Riding in the Wind

Riding in the Wind Issues riding in the Wind Ok so you all heard going riding as getting “Your Knees in the Breeze” or “Wind Therapy”.  The thing is riding in very windy conditions is not a lot of fun.  It can make you feel like you are being sandblasted and can make even a short ride and exhausting ride.   You must fight to keep the bike going where you want it to go.  You must lean into the wind to just stay going in a straight line and also be prepared to react if the wind changes or gets blocked.  Wind can also try to take your helmet off your head so you end up hunched over to be more aerodynamic.  Having a windshield may help when going into a head on wind but it can also act as […]


Ten Little Motorcycles

Ten Little Motorcycles A Poem TEN LITTLE MOTORCYCLISTS reprinted from the Wings of Gold M/C newsletter 10 little motorcyclists, cruising down the line, one had a heavy hand, and then there were 9. Speed limits are set for your safety. 9 little motorcyclists, the hour was getting late, one dozed a moment, and then there were 8. A tired rider is a dangerous rider. 8 little motorcyclists, and the evening seemed like heaven, one showed his riding skills, and then there were 7. Ride sensibly and sanely at all times, a motorcycle is no place for a clown. 7 little motorcyclists, their lives were full of kicks, one bought a bottle, and then there were 6. Gasoline and alcohol are a deadly mix.  Never drink and ride. 6 little motorcyclists, impatient to arrive, one jumped a traffic light, and then […]


Riding in the Heat

Riding in the Heat Tips for riding in Hot weather. As Summer approaches, the temperatures rise, and that can cause issues for us out there riding our motorcycles. Here are some issues you may have with hot weather and what you can do to combat them. Dehydration – Losing body fluids needed by the body. This cause weakness, dizziness, sleepiness, chills, loss of motor function, and can cause you to pass out. To combat this, you need to replace the fluids you lose through sweat. Water and sport drinks are good. Soda and alcohol are bad. If you are not peeing at every gas stop, you are not taking in enough fluids. You can use “camel packs” (backpacks full of water that hikers and bicyclists use), or you can use a hydration vest; they keep your core cool. You can […]

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