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On the Road


Travel Tips

Travel Tips Some Travel tips for your Motorcycle and non-motorcycle trips Tips for Traveling Planning the trip  Check the laws for the states you will be going through before you leave. In some states, it is against the law to ride in the left lane all the time. When coming up to an emergency vehicle, a wrecker, or a vehicle with flashing lights on, slow down and if possible, move over a lane. When traveling by bike, it can be hard to read your print out of directions. Put them in a Ziploc bag, and then put that one in another Ziploc bag. (Plastic page protectors can be used as well). Then zip tie them to your handlebars so you can see them. Your printed directions are now water proof and you can see them without having to stop. Another […]



Gloves Gloves some of the most important overlooked protective gear One of the most overlooked pieces of Motorcycle Gear is Gloves.  I see people all the time riding without gloves or with fashion gloves.   I want to you think for a moment about when you trip and fall.  What is it that you do without thinking about it?   You put your hands out to try to break your fall.  In a motorcycle accident you tend to do the same thing.  You put our hands out, but in this case, you are moving a much higher rate of speed, so you are likely to get more than just a skinned palm if you do not have gloves. A few Years ago, I was in a motorcycle accident, I was in a tank top, but I had my good quality […]


Road Hazards

Road Hazards Some common Road Hazards to be aware of. Today's tip are some Road Hazards to be aware of:  Wet Pavement - When pavement is wet, you have less traction and it also bring up all the oil and make the road even more slick.  Potholes - Pot holes can cause you to go off course or can damage your suspension or even pop a tire.  They are also a danger because when they are full of water you don't know how deep they are. If you don't pay attention, and you put your foot down in one it can cause you drop your bike and/or break a leg or ankle.  Tar Snakes - (These are when the road maintenance crews put tar into the cracks on the road as a temporary fix) - These cause the road to […]


First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits Some good ideas to have as part of your First Aid Kit on your Bike Motorcycling is not the safest activity, and we all are aware of this. But you can get hurt off your motorcycle as well; not every injury on your motorcycle travels will require a "Trauma Kit".  Sometimes you just need a band aid. Everyone should carry some sort of First Aid Kit. There are some small, simple ones that have Band-Aids and alcohol wipes and then there are very advanced trauma kits. You can buy a simple kit and then add things to it to make a better first aid kit. Not everyone has to have a trauma kit, especially if you have no idea how to use the things in it. Taking a first aid class or there are even motorcycle specific […]


Military and Motorcycles

Military and Motorcycles In honor of Memorial Day, I want to do a bit of a history lesson. Did you know the Motorcycle Clubs of today mostly started due to the Military? Yes! There were Motorcycle Clubs before WWII but they were mostly AMA (American Motorcycle Club) riding or racing clubs. Then after the vets came home after WWII, the clubs changed and became more of what we think of as Motorcycle Clubs today. Let’s remember those who gave their lives for our freedoms and also remembering those who started the lifestyle that we have embraced. Even today, the Military is a part of many Motorcycle Clubs. Veterans join all sorts of clubs: 1% clubs, Mom & Pop clubs, and even military clubs. Some clubs require that you prove you were in the military before you can join. And there […]


Life Lessons

Life Lessons Life Lessons learned from Motorcycling   So, it is almost the end of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. Not that our promoting and practicing of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness is going to end just because the month did, we must promote and practice 24/7/365.  Anyway, today let’s talk about life lessons we learn from motorcycling. These are not in any order but just how they came to me. I am sure there are more, and I will put links at the bottom that have more information.  Fear can be both good and bad. You don’t want it to stop you, but you can use it to make you a better rider.  Everyone Falls. You just get back up and move on.  Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.  You can always learn something new no matter […]


In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency ICE information that is good to have when you ride. The nature of Motorcycle riding in dangerous.  We should be prepared for something bad to happen.  We do as much as we can with using protective gear, practicing, and having a properly maintained motorcycle, but accidents still happen.  It is a good thing to have a way for first responders or hospital staff to get information if you are unable to answer questions. We have all seen the card that you are to carry that has you in case of emergency information.  But how easy is that to find?  Is it lost in the stack of cards in your wallet?   If you want to use these cards, I recommend you put it behind your Driver’s license because is one of the first things they will […]


Protect Your Feet! Footware Basics

Information on Motorcycle Footware I am going to talk to you about choosing proper footwear for when you are riding. I will try to explain why you should wear good boots when riding and give suggestions on what to look for. When riding a motorcycle, you should wear over the ankle sturdy boots that have good traction. This is not just to look like a “biker” but also to save you from injury. Believe me if you have an injury to the ankle is takes a long time to heal and sometimes it is always a weak joint after the first injury. I know from experience. A good pair of motorcycle boots will reduce the impact on your feet, ankles, and legs should you be involved in a crash. Motorcycles produce heat from the engine and the exhaust pipes. Boots […]


Things the Non-Motorcycle Public should know.

Things the Non-Motorcycle Public should know. From the MRF some things the Non-motorcycle public should know about motorcycles. As riders we understand the dangers involved in doing what we do but sometimes the other motoring public do not. So today, I borrowed this information form the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation). This is a list of 10 things you should share with the non-motorcycle pubic. Because you see the issues, you can do things to help combat them. Please feel free to put this out on Facebook or other social media.  But please site that it came from the MSF. QUICK TIPS: Ten Things All Car; Truck Drivers Should Know About Motorcycles 1. Over half of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve another vehicle. Most of the time, the car or truck driver, not the motorcyclist, is at fault. There are a […]


Essential Tools to Keep on Your Motorcycle!

Motorcycle Tools Tools that may be useful to have on your Motorcycle. Most riders who ride older bikes tend to carry tools because they know they may need them. But even a new bike might need something minor done to it that will require tools. Some bikes come with a tool kit but those kits don’t always have everything you need. You can get some multitools that will take the place of several tools, but they don't always work as well as if you had the actual tool for the job. Electrical and Duct tape Knife Zips ties Hex and Torq wrenches Tire pressure gauge Flat head screwdriver Phillips screwdriver Pliers and/or wire cutters Adjustable wrench Spark Plug tool Small flashlight Bungee cords Jump Box (Juno Jumper or similar) Optional Additional Items: Reflective safety vest Road reflectors Work gloves Kickstand […]

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