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T-Clocs – Final Part (part 6) – Stands

T-Clocs - Final Part (part 6) - Stands The S in T-clocs stands for Stands Today we come to last part of the in-depth coverage of T-CLOCS. The S in T-CLOCS stands for Stands. Some bikes have center stands and some have side stands. For both you need to check for cracks or other damage. You also need to check the springs to make sure they are in place and not wore out. I have seen riders have to use bungee cords to hold the stand up so they could get to someplace to get a new spring. You should also make sure the bolts holding the stand on are tight. I know of riders who lost their kickstands on a ride and did not know it until they stopped and it was not there. You need to check the […]

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