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Military and Motorcycles

Military and Motorcycles In honor of Memorial Day, I want to do a bit of a history lesson. Did you know the Motorcycle Clubs of today mostly started due to the Military? Yes! There were Motorcycle Clubs before WWII but they were mostly AMA (American Motorcycle Club) riding or racing clubs. Then after the vets came home after WWII, the clubs changed and became more of what we think of as Motorcycle Clubs today. Let’s remember those who gave their lives for our freedoms and also remembering those who started the lifestyle that we have embraced. Even today, the Military is a part of many Motorcycle Clubs. Veterans join all sorts of clubs: 1% clubs, Mom & Pop clubs, and even military clubs. Some clubs require that you prove you were in the military before you can join. And there […]


Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month

Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month The History of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month Today is May 1 st and that is the first day of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. So, I thought I’d give a little history on May Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. Motorcycle Awareness Month was started in the early 1980s by AMA (American Motorcycle Association) and it was quickly adopted by many State Motorcycle-Rights organizations, government entities, and Clubs. The focus of it was to educate Non riders about Motorcycles in the hopes that they come more aware of riders and there will be less “I Didn’t See Him/Her” accidents. The Safety part was added because we also need to educate Riders on safe riding practices. Unsafe riders can be a danger to no only themselves but other road users. The reason May was selected is […]


Motorcycle Rights

The first Sunday in May, in my State is the “Freedom Ride” a ride to the State Capital to show the law makers that Motorcyclist are watching and we have a voice in Government.   You may or may not know that there are organizations that are watching what happens at the Local, State, and Federal level that does or could affect you as a motorcyclist.   If you want have a voice in that you are welcome to join those organizations. Today I will give you a quick overview of those organizations so you know who is working for you. At the local and state level there are usually: The COC (Coalition of Clubs or Confederation of Clubs or Council of Clubs). As the name says that organization is made up mostly of the Motorcycle clubs in the state or area.  […]

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