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15 Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

15 Causes of Motorcycle Accidents | Motorcycle Accident Lawyers (arnolditkin.com) Although motorcycles make up a mere 3% of the 9 million registered vehicles on the road in the United States, they account for a disproportionate number of accidents at 14%. As one of the smallest vehicles, they can be the most difficult to see, especially in traffic, at night, or in inclement weather. According to statistics gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists were nearly 29 times more likely than occupants of passenger vehicles to die in a crash per vehicle miles traveled in 2019. In 2020, 5,579 motorcyclists were killed in traffic accidents. In this blog, our motorcycle accident attorneys will investigate the most common causes of accidents and how riders—and those who share the road with them—can make sure everyone gets to their destination safely. […]


Drinking and Riding

Drinking and Riding Drinking and Riding don't mix. Today is Cinco de Mayo! So, in honor of that, I will take a break from the in-depth explanation of T- CLOCS and talk a bit about drinking and riding. I want to give you this information so when that time comes for you to enjoy some fun and festivities, you make good choices. Let’s start with a scary statistic I found NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Association) that says: With 47% of all fatal motorcycle crashes, the motorcyclist had a Blood Alcohol level above .08. We are all adults. And as such, we are in charge of our own decisions on drinking. But remember: alcohol effects our decision-making ability.  I choose to not drink when I am on my bike.  Some of you can and do have a few drinks. There […]

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